Tasting Thanks...
Merci beaucoup to everyone
who attended our Bastille Day
wine tasting on Friday 14th July...
There was a great feeling of
Liberté, Egalité and wine Fraternité...
Our special guest was
Magda Muller from WBW,
French citizen and wine expert,
who tantalised our tastebuds,
with her eclectic French wine selections.
We tasted lovely wines from the Languedoc,
Beaujolais and Jurancon, along with some
beautiful cheesy nibbles and crusty bread.
Everyone had their favourites,
I particularly enjoyed the
Domaine Parpalhol Parenthese Blanc
a gorgeous blend of Chardonnay,
Sauvignon Blanc and Viognier...
Many thanks Magda for a very memorable tasting!
Our next tasting is on around
the end of August.
Keep an eye out for the details!

New Arrival...Woof Woof...
Barking Dog (Organic) Tempranillo
2021 RRP16.99
Opening Times at the moment:
From 3 to 8pm every day except Monday
(Closed on Monday)
You can contact us on Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram.